[Matt Smith's Top 11 Moments]

With the arrival of the New Doctor, Peter Capaldi, it seems to be as good a time as any to look back on some of Matt Smith’s finest moments. From the highs, to the lows, to the out right crazies.

1. The Doctor's Wife - Starting with Eleven's goofier side, in this episode we see the Tardis come to life in the form of a human. This hilarious episode is fun packed and even a little emotional at times but still, all in all, a wonderful episode. Smith was incredible, shifting from one emotion to the other in the blink of an eye. Going from growling that he'd killed all the Time Lords, to much quieter moments, with him shedding an utterly believable tear.

2. Closing Time – This episode, a particular quirky one at that, sees Craig and The Doctor reuniting their budding bromance, but quickly finds them in the middle of a Cybermen invasion. All the while they have the hilarious task of looking after Craig’s 1 year old son Alfie.

3. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - In this action packed Christmas Special, we see The Doctor in a kinder light, trying his best to bring joy to a recently widowed mother of two and her children.

4. Vincent and the Doctor – Once again Smith shines through, teaching us that life is a pile of good things and bad things, whilst also reminding us that there are certain fixtures in time that The Doctor can’t change. No matter how badly you want him to. Vincent has to die.

5. The Rings of Akhaten – This episode has The Doctor opening up all of his pain and anguish to an alien entity. This was one of those sad moments despite it being a truly empowering speech. An important thing this episode revealed to us, was how much The Doctor needs his companions. It may have been his job to heal little Amelia Pond but it was really Clara’s job to heal him.

6. The Name of The Doctor – Who could forget, the strange and forever changing romance between River and The Doctor. It wasn’t a relationship I always believed in as I always found it to be pretty one sided. However, I couldn’t deny, this farewell was genuinely heartbreaking.

7. The Angels Take Manhattan – Where do we even begin? Amy’s Farewell. One of The Doctor’s darkest hours. This for me was one of the most heartbreaking events in the entire show. It’s very rare to see The Doctor's companion choose to leave and not The Doctor.

8. The Time of Angels - A moment where The Doctor meets one of his newer, more frightening enemies. The weeping angles (cue screams). We see Smith really stab his mark on the character delivery for one hell of a speech which really shows us, this incarnation of The Doctor means business.

9. The Day of the Doctor - This is something from his most recent adventure. This brings us to The Doctors best relationship… with himself. This episode was filled with many laughs, tears and fangirling moments. I mean seriously! David Tennant and Matt Smith together? What Whovian couldn’t love it?

10. The Eleventh Hour - His first episode. David Tennant had left us and the idea that anyone could replace him seemed nigh impossible. Incredibly though, Matt Smith popped out of nowhere and quickly settled this debate, in his stunning debut. He was funny, charming and most importantly he was The Doctor.

11. The Time of The Doctor – This episode, the one we had all dreaded. Our farewell to The Doctor. Its true Doctor Who at its very best.

But now, after reliving these episodes, its easier to let go of the man I have come to call “My Doctor” as I’m sure many of you have as well. The awaited release of the next episode will be screened on the 24th of August in selected cinemas, so hold on tight my little Whovians!

Article By. Taylor Clarke-Pepper