[ Star Wars: The Force Awakens ] - [ Film Review ]

If you weren't apprehensive about the return of Star Wars after the embarrassment of the prequels, then you clearly aren't at my level of Star Wars fandom and you should go back to watching the latest Sharknado sequel.
Everybody I knew had an opinion on the rebirth of the beloved world that introduced us to the Jedis, Siths, Ewoks and... uh, Jar Jar Binks'. We are introduced to a new generation of Star Wars heroes: the staff wielding Rey, Storm Trooper Finn and X-Wing pilot Poe. And finally we have a new villain, Kylo Ren, we can invest ourselves in and not cringe at *cough, cough angsty Anakin Skywalker* or a villain we saw for twenty minutes *cough, cough General Grievous*. This villain has a heart and a plan to rise the Sith's from the ashes, this is the villain we've been waiting for since Darth Vader. The Force Awakens brings you back to the era of Han, Chewbacca, Leia etc, but in old age. This isn't a bad thing, you haven't just watched two hours of Star Wars: The Geriatric Awakens From A Nap. You have seen the characters you grew up with, and they have grown too, Han has seen some shit, Leia has seen some shit...no spoilers. The Force Awakens is entwined with the nostalgia and flare of the originals, as you watch it you feel like you're home in the Star Wars world. That is a feeling I haven't had since Return of the Jedi. Ten years ago I watched Revenge of the Sith at my local theatre. I never talked about that experience again. I can tell you after seeing The Force Awakens that I'll be talking about this film for ten years! George Lucas left die-hard Star Wars fanboys displeased and disappointed with the 2000s prequels, but JJ Abrams (Lost, Star Trek: Into Darkness) has claimed the beloved world of Star Wars as his own domain, and has brought the legacy justice. (4.5/5)