[The Top Ten Best Films Of 2014]

The Best Films Of 2014

May I start by saying that I've based the top ten best films of 2014 by personal choice. It was extremely difficult to pick these films, because 2014 was a fantastic year for cinema. But here they are. Swoon bitches, swoon.

10. Snowpiercer

Directed by Joon-ho Bong (The Host 2007, Mother 2010), Snowpiercer follows the story of a train that spans across the entire post-apocalyptic globe, with it's own set of laws, social heirachy and inevitable revolts. This film is more than worthy to be included in the top ten films of 2014, as it's masterfully filmed, acted and produced. I cannot flaw Snowpiercer, and it is a must-see film.

9. Pride

Pride is hands down the most feel-good film of 2014. Directed and produced by Matthew Warchus, Pride follows the hilarious yet frustratingly endearing tale of a small group of gay-rights activists in London, during the mid 80's, who decide to aid a small town mining community in Wales in order for both of their messages to be heard. The two worlds collide, and create an overwhelming sense of community and peace, something that I believe the whole world should understand, and Pride is just the right kind of film to help that.

8. Only Lovers Left Alive

Only Lovers Left Alive is cool, damn cool. There's really no other way to describe the film other than cool, because it seethes it. Starring Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston as secluded vampires in the modern world, seperated by countries, yet not by heart. The most intriguing part of this film is the relationship between these two, it's an extremely honest and unique love story, one that you have to see to believe. Did I mention this movie is extremely cool? Cool.

7. 20,000 Days On Earth

Whilst on the topic of cool-ness, let me ask you this question - who is one of the coolest people to walk this planet, I'll give you a hint, he's walked 20,000 days on this earth, and if you haven't figured it out yet, it's our very own Nick Cave. This film follows a day in the life of Cave, and highlights the importance and reliance of the creative spirit, which without, we'd be nothing.

6. Gone Girl

Dark, realistic, genuinely terrifying - just some of the endless adjectives I could use to describe the film that is Gone Girl. Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike are husband and wife, but there's something dark brooding on the surface of what seems like the perfect married couple. As an audience, we're constantly shocked, horrified and all-round excited by this fantastic film. I wouldn't hesitate to say that Rosamund Pike has given the performance of a lifetime in Gone Girl.

5. Birdman

This film eludes to the definition of black comedy, weaving a hilariously dark plot that takes us on a journey of self-realisation. Starring one of my personal favourite actors, Michael Keaton, and directed by one of my personal favourite directors, Alejandro Gonzales, Birdman is by far one of the best films of 2014 (sweeping up several nominations at the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards).

4. Earnest & Cèlestine

I bet you didn't expect this film to pop-up in this list did you? And do you know why? Because Earnest & Cèlestine is not only one of the best films of 2014, it's one of the most underrated ones as well. This film recieved standing-ovations at several film festivals, including Cannes, and for a good reason. It follows the story of two seperate civilisations, the underground mice and the above-ground bears. Cèlestine (a mice, full of creativity and curiosity) soon meets Earnest (a bear who lives in the outside world). Without giving too much away, the film will take you on the most beautifully animated journey you will ever see, and once the credits roll, you are sure to have a smile on your face.

3. Under The Skin

    fangirling -
"v. 1. the reaction a fangirl has to any mention or sighting of the object of her "affection". These reactions include shortness of breath, fainting, highpitched noises, shaking, fierce head shaking as if in the midst of a seizure, wet panties, endless blog posts, etc. "
This is exactly my reaction when somebody brings up Under The Skin in any sort of conversation. I believe that not only is Under The Skin one of the best films of 2014, but I think it's honestly one of the best art-house films ever created. Directed by Jonathan Glazer (Birth 2001, Sexy Beast 2000) Under The Skin follows Laura, an extra-terrestrial being who has been sent to planet earth for a reason that is unknown for the majority of the film. The most special thing about Under The Skin is it's ability to make you feel uncomfortable, under your own skin. It's dark, brooding, and extremely realistic. You need to see Under The Skin, period.

2. Boyhood

It's a given, Boyhood was filmed over twelve years, a feat that has made it worthy for the second best film of 2014. Directed by Richard Linklater (School Of Rock 2003, and the Before series 1995-2013), Boyhood follows Mason, literally throughout his boyhood. We watch him grow, we watch him change, but nothing struck me more than the performances of his parents (Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke), who also change and grow as we watch intently. The cinematic aspects of the film don't come off as dated at all, which is definitely an achievement seeing as Linklater began filming in 2002. Boyhood is vital viewing, for anybody who respects the art of cinema, because it is a great achievement, and one that will not be soon forgotten.

1. The Grand Budapest Hotel

Must I say more? I don't see the point in discussing why The Grand Budapest Hotel is the best film of 2014. It's fantastically directed, filmed, produced and acted. There are no faults. Wes Anderson has created a world of fantasy, and pure joy. The entire film feels like a beautiful dream, and you  have a lot of fun, from the opening credits to the closing credits. There is never a dull moment, nor is there a moment where you doubt Anderson's cinematic technique. 

Every frame of this film is meticulously planned, and it's comes through. When I walked out of the cinema after seeing this film, I turned to my friends and said "that  is the reason I go to the cinema and that is the reason I love film".

The Grand Budapest Hotel is nominated for nine Academy Awards, and for very, very good reason.

Notable Mentions 

Blue Is The Warmest Colour

The Bling Ring


American Hustle

Article By James C Murray